Archive for the ‘Chinese New Year 2010’ Category

A New “Tiger” Year….Our Celebration

The Lunar New Year dated from 2600 BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the Chinese zodiac. Therefore Year 2010 is Year 4708  in the Chinese Lunar Year Calendar.  The Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2010 is the  Tiger. Tiger is said to be lucky vivid, lively and engaging. Another attribute of the Tiger is its  incredible bravery, fearless evidenced in its willingness to engage in battle and its undying courage. The tiger year symbolises also our resolve to weather in all adversity to make the year a better year.  

To share the joy of the Lunar New Year of the Tiger, Changi Simei Citizens’ Consultative Committee continues to innovate to bring in fresh and new ideas to celebrate the festival with residents. 

Last year 2009, we had a mass raw fish salad “lo hei” where advisers join in with about 888 residents to toss for good health and good luck. We also created a Singapore Book of Records. We created the Chinese word  and residents gathered around the for a mass “lo hei”. It was interesting to see other races joining in the “lo hei”. Besides the 888 residents who participated in the “lo hei”, there were another 2000 residents joining the fun in the carnival style.   For those who had purchased tickets, a variety of yummy food were provided. Residents without tickets also participated in games in the carnival. For those who were lucky, they were selected to participate in a game to grab tokens to exchange for cash. It was a job well done for the organising committee co-chaired by RC Zone 3 and Melville Park NC as every one had a good and enjoyable time.

 2009 celebration

The organising committee for the 2010 celebration was co-chaired by RC Zone 1 and Sunbird Apollo NC  brought in a variety show with a carnival for all ages. The celebration kicked off with the welcoming of our Adviser, Ms Jessica Tan, Member of Parliament for East Coast GRC and Adviser to East Coast GRC GROs by the lions on her arrival. The 财神爷, the God of Fortune also presented her with two mandarin oranges symbolising luck and prosperity for Changi Simei. “HUAT”

In her short address to residents estimated to be around 2000 residents, she told them that as she was driving from her home to Changi Simei, it was raining very heavily along PIE. The wipers of her car were not effective to swipe and clear off the rain of her car’s windscreen. She was concerned on the welfare of residents as the heavy rain would dampened the spirit of celebration. Her prayer was answered as when she reached Eunos area, the sky began to clear and when she reached Bedok, PIE was dry. On her arrival at Changi Simei, it was blue sky, a perfect evening to celebrate the Year of the Tiger.   

However, there was a very light drizzle at Changi Simei at about 6.15 pm when I arrived.  Though there were rain clouds threatening a heavy downpour, but the sky was holding well although I could feel few droplets of rain but the residents continued with the games in the carnival. The droplets symbolised  “有 水”  meaning good luck and wealth in the coming year for residents. No wonder, one of the residents won 2 of the 5 top lucky draw prizes.

On stage, Ms Jessica Tan with key grassroots leaders launched the light up at the glass globe. On the count of 3, coloured lights came on and the greetings “Happy New Year” 恭喜发财” appeared and rotated in the globe. Residents cheered and applauses. The God of Fortune also made his appearance by dishing out sweets to residents. Residents who were brave enough took the opportunity to touch the God of Fortune as it was believed that touching the God of Fortune especially his abdomen bring wealth to whoever touches him.  I guessed a couple of residents were doing just that to increase their luck in the coming year.

Ms Jessica Tan greeted as many residents as she could by mingling with residents from those in the tentage watching the variety show, those at the food queue, those at the carnival games stalls, those at the children trains etc in the next two hours. There were about 50 Chinese workers watching the variety show, Ms Jessica Tan greeted and exchanged handshakes of good luck with them. Besides the migrant workers, other races also joined in this year celebration.

The celebration ended at 9.48pm with the top lucky draw prize being drawn.

Credits must be given to both the Chairmen, Mr Mohd Said (RC Zone 1) and Mr Steven Lau (Sunbird Apollo NC)who spent much time planning, executing and delivering the positive experience this evening for all the grassroots leaders and residents. To support both chairmen, all the grassroots organisations in Changi Simei pitched in to work as a team to ensure that the show would go on as planned. All these grassroots leaders (wearing red polo, the colours of Changi Simei CCC) did an excellent job to bring programmes and activities to engage our residents in social, recreational, major festivities and sports events. Do watch out for details and come to join us to have fun and at the same time to support the efforts of grassroots leaders.

The verdict…. it was a celebration well organised and feedback from residents indicated that they enjoyed the programme and company of other residents. Many residents also brought their family along to join the celebration. In view of positive experience, the CCC would continue organising the Lunar New Year Celebration next year.

May I wish all readers the Year of the Tiger brings to you and your family lots of joy, cheer and good health.